Overview of Atal (Indian Drama Serial)
The Indian television drama Atal is a biographical series that aired on &TV starting December 5, 2023. The show delves into the childhood and formative years of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, one of India’s most respected statesmen and former Prime Ministers. Produced by Euphoria Productions, the series is written by Shanti Bhushan and aims to portray the untold stories and challenges Vajpayee faced during British colonial rule, focusing on his family, values, and early life experiences.
Key Cast and Characters
- Vyom Thakkar: Young Atal Bihari Vajpayee
- Neha Joshi: Krishna Devi Vajpayee (Atal’s mother)
- Ashutosh Kulkarni: Krishna Bihari Vajpayee (Atal’s father)
- Milind Dastane: Shyam Lal Vajpayee
- Rahul Jethva: Awadh Bihari Vajpayee
- Saksham Shringirishi: Prem Bihari Vajpayee
- Alina Aline Jaiswal: Urmila and Kamla Bihari Vajpayee
The cast effectively brings to life the nuances of Vajpayee’s personal and cultural environment during his childhood.
Set during British colonial India, the show explores pivotal events and relationships that shaped Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s early life. It highlights his bond with his mother, whose influence was instrumental in shaping his values and beliefs. The series also reflects the socio-political climate of the time, including the effects of colonial oppression and societal divisions on a young Atal, ultimately leading to his development as a visionary leader.
Production Details
- Production House: Euphoria Productions
- Running Time: Approximately 20-25 minutes per episode
- Telecast Schedule: Monday to Friday at 8:00 PM on &TV
The series combines historical elements with a personal narrative, making it both educational and emotionally engaging for viewers